Resident Life

About Fresno

Population: 500K+
Average Annual High/Low Temp: 77ºF/51ºF
Nearest National Parks:  45 minutes to both Yosemite and Sequoia
Nearest coastal cities: 2.6 hrs to Monterey, 3.5 hrs to Los Angeles, and 3 hrs to San Francisco. 
Average Housing Cost: $270-370K
Major Industry: Farming!
Traffic: Mild to None
Major School Districts: Clovis Unified, Fresno Unified, Kingsburg Unified, Sanger Unified
Higher Education: Fresno State, Fresno City, Clovis Community, Fresno Pacific, Reedley College
Professional Schools: Fresno City Nursing, CHSU School of Pharmacy, CHSU School of  Osteopathic Medicine
Major Regional Hospitals and Affiliates:  Community Regional Medical Center,  Kaiser Permanente Hospital, St. Agnes Medical Center, Valley Children's Hospital

For more information about Fresno, click here.   For Clovis, click here.

What’s your favorite thing about this program?

Lizbeth Alvarado-Garcia - The people; This program is composed of amazing faculty that are willing to teach and residents who are eager to learn. We are able to count on each other in good times and in bad. We are a big diverse family!

Poria Abdollah - The unique camaraderie among all the staff at St. Agnes is something very endearing about the hospital.

Kal Caldera - I love how enthusiastic and dedicated everyone is to teaching. All the attendings I’ve worked with truly enjoy educating. The faculty do a great job in making your learning their highest priority.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Fresno?

Tatum Toner - How cheap it is to live here, especially when you compare it to other parts of California. My husband and I got tired of paying rent everywhere we’ve lived, so to be able to afford to buy a house in California (with a pool!) feels really great.

Prabhneet Singh - The proximity and drivability to both Northern and Southern California, as well as to state parks such as Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. It’s a very central location, and easy to “get away” on a weekend. Plus, the fruits at the local Farmer’s Markets are probably the most delicious you’ve ever tasted! 

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

Zhoobin Bateni - Hiking the amazing Sierra Nevadas, hanging out with family and friends, playing tennis, Poker, and Barbecuing.

Alvin Vong - Watch and play ALL sports, eating various cuisines, and traveling. 

Contact Us

1313 E Herndon Ave, Suite 105, Fresno, CA 93720
Office: (559) 450-5370