COVID19 and Resident Safety

Risk Mitigation and Exposure Control 

Our program takes safety seriously.  At the onset of the SARSCOV2 pandemic, we have provided our residents with recurrent training on risk mitigation and the appropriate PPE use.  Patients suspected of being infected with SARSCOV2 are appropriately triaged through a dedicated respiratory isolation zone within the Emergency Department.  Patients admitted to the hospital that are positive for SARSCOV2 are then placed into a dedicated COVID19 medical ward for the duration of their hospitalization. 

N95 masks/respirators are the standard respiratory PPE provided to residents within the hospital and clinic.  Mask fit testing is performed at the beginning of your term with SAMC to ensure you are properly fitted with the correct N95 mask size.  Full contact precaution gowns are provided when seeing SARSCoV2 patients or suspected patients with SARSCoV2. 

For those who desire a higher level of respiratory protection, the Family Medicine Department also maintains a few PAPRs (Power Air Purifying Respirators) for resident and faculty use during the FM inpatient ward rotation.    

At all times while on any inpatient or outpatient campus, the use of a surgical mask is required. These are supplied to residents.  There are also multiple temperature screening devices at the authorized building entry points.

In the ambulatory setting, virtual video visits are in effect until further notice.  There will still be a handful of live in person visits for certain cases, but screening of patients will be in effect for live visits.       

In the event that a resident is exposed, the Employee Health Department has a protocol to ensure residents are offered the appropriate testing.  They will also provide guidance on quarantine procedures.

Updates on the most recent standard of care, diagnostic work-up, and management guidelines for SARSCov2 are discussed with residents regularly.  Our goal is to ensure the safety of our team and patients.  

Contact Us

1313 E Herndon Ave, Suite 105, Fresno, CA 93720
Office: (559) 450-5370